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Rubocop A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide.


Rubocop will run on the following files and extensions:

  • .rb
  • .arb
  • .axlsx
  • .builder
  • .fcgi
  • .gemfile
  • .gemspec
  • .god
  • .jb
  • .jbuilder
  • .mspec
  • .opal
  • .pluginspec
  • .podspec
  • .rabl
  • .rake
  • .rbuild
  • .rbw
  • .rbx
  • .ru
  • .ruby
  • .schema
  • .spec
  • .thor
  • .watchr
  • .irbrc
  • .pryrc
  • .simplecov
  • buildfile
  • Appraisals
  • Berksfile
  • Brewfile
  • Buildfile
  • Capfile
  • Cheffile
  • Dangerfile
  • Deliverfile
  • Fastfile
  • Fastfile
  • Gemfile
  • Guardfile
  • Jarfile
  • Mavenfile
  • Podfile
  • Puppetfile
  • Rakefile
  • rakefile
  • Schemafile
  • Snapfile
  • Steepfile
  • Thorfile
  • Vagabondfile
  • Vagrantfile


Rubocop uses a YAML style configuration file. We look for the following files anywhere in the repository:

  • .rubocop.yml
  • .rubocop.yaml

CodeRabbit will use the default settings based on the profile selected if no config file is found.